viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Section 2. Whitehall and Westminster

These areas have been the centre of political and religious power in England for a thousand years.

Sites to visit:
  • Houses of Parliament
  • Big Ben (it is the bell, not the clock!)
  • Jewel Tower (this and Westminster Hall are the only remains of the old Palace of Westminster)
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Dean's Yard (Dryden and Ben Johnson -the writer, not the athlete- used to walk around it)
  • Saint Margaret's church (Margaret, not Margarit; we're ogres in my family, not saints)
  • Parliament Square
  • Cenotaph (monument to the dead of World War I)
  • Downing Street (the Prime Minister's residence; you need important contacts to visit it)
  • Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill Museum (World War II cabinet rooms)
  • Banqueting House (First building to adopt the Paladian architectural style from Italy in London)
  • House Guards Parade
  • Trafalgar Studios
  • Queen Ann's Gate (big elegant houses from 1704. The M15, the British Secret Service, is supposed to have organised its activities in here until recently)
  • Guards Museum
  • Saint James's Park Station (it holds the London Transport Company and has works of Jacob Epstein and Henry Moore)
  • Blewcoat School
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Saint John en Smith Square (English baroque masterpiece, today an auditorium)
  • Tate Britain

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